How to Order

If you want to place an order while shopping at Kamasutrasextoy, here are the two most flexible ways you can avail:

1st Procedure: 

Direct Order through Website


·         Visit

·         Look for the type of category under which your product belongs

·         Find the product and add it to the cart by clicking on Add to Cart

·         When it is added to the shopping cart, go to the option “Proceed to checkout

·         You will land on the the Personal Information page that you need to fill up

·         Choose the mode of payment you want to avail

·         Your Order is placed


2nd Procedure:

Ordering through a Sales Representative on Call


·         Visit

·         Visit the footer section of the homepage and note the Telephone number provided

·         Dial on this number to connect to our Sales Executive and request an order for the product you have chosen

·         He will verify all relevant details, which is crucial for every customer to provide

·         After the verification is done, your order will be placed


So, avail any of these methods and place an order today at Kamasutrasextoy.